If you have a shed, barn, or maybe even a house with fluted roofing, Cinci Home Solar now has experience in this area for mounting solar panels.
FLUTING is a continuous stream of half-circles connected at their mid points. 3½ inch peak to peak and 2 inches peak to trough.
As no commercial mounting feet were available, I worked with one of my customers, and he came up with a novel solution – some large aluminum C-channel with a width large enough to land in the valleys and enough depth to clear the peak. It took extra long 5 inch stainless lag bolts to get enough bite into the underlying joist structure, but with it all bolted down, it did the job with all penetrations at the peaks, it looks good and it should provide more than enough wind resistance to pull -ff. Not exactly cheap, the channel comes in 10 foot lengths, and 2 lengths cut into 2 inch sections made enough mounting legs to support 20 panels on 36 inch centers, the C-channel was ¼ inch thick aluminum. With a 6/12 pitch, this fluted roofing was difficult to work on. Having a FALL ARREST system was REQUIRED, as it not only provided fall safety, it also provided a solid feeling of confidence while moving around on the roof.